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Uluslararası Alan İndeksleri

Akademik teşvik kapsamında dikkate alınacak uluslararası alan indeksleri Üniversitelerarası Kurul Başkanlığı doçentlik başvurusu için kabul edilen indeksler arasında yer alan, ProQuest Veri Tabanları, EBSCO Veri Tabanları ile EconLit, DOAJ, EconPapers, Index Copernicus (Journal Masters List), veri tabanları gibi tanınmış indeksleri kapsar.
  • AATA Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts
  • ABC CLIO:America:History and Life Abstracts
  • ABI/INFORM Database
  • ABS&EES (American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies)
  • Abstract Journal of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Academic Search Premier
  • Accounting and Finance abstracts
  • America: History and Life (EBSCO)
  • American Humanities Index = Humanities International Complete
  • Animal Breeding Abstracts
  • Annual Review of Sociology
  • Anthropological Index
  • Anthropological Literature
  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Architectural Periodicals Index
  • Architectural Publications Index API
  • Art Index: EBSCO
  • Art Index, Al
  • ATLA Old Testament Abstracts
  • ATLA Religion Database
  • Australian Education Index
  • Avery lndex to Architectural Periodicals (AIAP)
  • Bibliography of Asian Studies
  • Bibliography of Translation Studies
  • Biological Abstracts
  • Biosis
  • Biotecnology Abstracts
  • BMT Abstracts (British Maritime Technology Ltd.)
  • Botanical Record
  • British Education Index
  • British Humanities Index
  • British Nursing Index
  • Business ASAP (Gale Cengage)
  • Business Periodicals Index/Abstracts (HW Wilson)
  • Business Source Corporate
  • Business Source Elite
  • Business Source Premier
  • CAB Abstracts
  • CABI
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts-CSA
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • CMCI: CompuMath Citation Index
  • Columbia International Affairs Online
  • Contemporary Women’s Issues
  • Contents Pages in Education
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts
  • Criminal Justice Periodical Index
  • Criminology, Penology and Police Science Abstracts
  • CSA (Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
  • CSA Biological Sciences Database
  • CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database
  • Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature CINAHL
  • Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Current Contents: Arts & Humanities
  • Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  • Current Law Index
  • DAAI (Design and Applied Arts Index)
  • Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
  • DI: Dental Index
  • Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus
  • Documentation in Public Administration
  • DOAJ
  • Earthquake Engineering Abstracts (EEA)
  • Ecological Abstracts
  • Ecology Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
  • EconLit
  • EconPapers
  • Education Abstracts
  • Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson) Database Covarage List
  • Education Index; ERIC
  • Educational Administration Abstracts
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online
  • EI: Engineering Index
  • Elsevier Bibliographic Databases,
  • Emerald Management Reviews (Emerald)
  • Employee Relations International: A Bibliography and Abstracts Journal
  • Energy Science and Technology Database
  • Engineering Index / Compandex
  • Entomological Abstracts
  • Ergonomics Abstracts (EA)
  • Ergonomics Abstracts (Ergo-Abs)
  • Ethnic Newswatch
  • European Access
  • European Sources Online
  • Excerpta Medica
  • Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale Cengage)
  • Family and SocietyStudies Worldwide
  • Film Literature Index (FLI)
  • Focus On: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Food Sciences and Technology Abstracts
  • Gale-Cengage
  • Gender Studies Database
  • Gender Watch
  • Geographical Abstracts
  • Geological Abstracts
  • Guide to Social Science and Religion in Periodical Literature
  • Health Safety and Science Abstracts
  • Health Source
  • Historical Abstracts: EBSCO
  • Historical Research Index,
  • Hospitality and Tourism Index
  • Human Resources Abstracts
  • Humanities &Social Sciences Index Retrospective
  • Humanities Index
  • IAHR: International Abstracts of Human Resources (IAHR)
  • IBR & IBZ: International Bibliographies of Periodical Literature (KG Saur)
  • IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (LSE)
  • IBZ (International Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur)
  • ICONDA (The International Construction Database)
  • IM: Index Medicus
  • Index Copernicus (Journal Masters List)
  • Index Islamicus
  • Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
  • Index to Jewish Periodicals
  • Index to Legal Periodicals & Books
  • Index Veterinarius
  • Information Science Abstracts (ISA)
  • Information Science and Technology Abstracts (ISTA)
  • InfoTrac
  • International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
  • International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • International Development Abstracts
  • International Logistics Abstracts
  • International Political Science Abstracts
  • Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition
  • Key to Economic Science
  • Lancaster Index to Defence and International security Literature Languages)
  • Latindex
  • Left Index
  • Legal Journal Abstracts
  • Legal Trac
  • Linguistic Abstracts Online
  • Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
  • LISA (Library Information Science Abstracts)
  • MasterFILE Premier
  • Mathematical Reviews
  • MathSciNet
  • Mineralogic Abstracts
  • MLA Folklor Bibliography
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Multicultural Education Abstracts
  • Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews
  • Oceanographic Literature Review
  • OMNIFILE Full Text Mega Edition (Omnifile)
  • Ottomanist’s Domain
  • PAIS: Public Affairs Information Service (CSA/CIG)
  • Pastoral Abstracts
  • Periodical Abstracts
  • Periodicals Contents Index
  • Proquest 5000 (ProQuest)
  • PsycINFO (APA)
  • Psysical Education Index
  • Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS) or PAIS International
  • Pubmed
  • Quality Control & Applied Statistics (Executive Sciences Institute)
  • Religion Index One
  • Religious and Theological Abstracts
  • Research Alert
  • Research Higher Education Abstracts
  • Review Of Agricultural Entomology
  • Review Of Medical And Veterinary Entomology
  • RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
  • Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (RASB)
  • Science Direct Navigator
  • Science of Religion
  • Social Science Research Abstracts
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Social Theory
  • SocINDEX with Full Text
  • Sociofile
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Sociology of Education Abstracts
  • Sociology: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
  • Special Education Needs Abstracts
  • Studies on Women & Gender Abstracts
  • The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
  • The International Index to Film Periodicals -Plus (FIAF)
  • The Philosopher's Index
  • Theological Abstracts
  • Theology Digest
  • Top Management Abstracts = Anbar Electronic Intelligence and Behavioral Sciences and Software
  • Translation Studies Abstracts
  • Turkologischer Anzeiger Viyana
  • United States Political Science Documents
  • UrbanStudies Abstracts
  • Violence& Abuse Abstracts
  • Vocational Search
  • VOCED, the Vocational Education and Training Research Database
  • Water Resources Abstracts
  • Wilson OMNIFile V (HW Wilson)
  • Wilson Social Sciences Full Text
  • Women's Studies International
  • WORKLIT (Commonwealth Dept of Industrial Relations)
  • World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstract
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA)
  • Zentralblatt
  • Zoological Record