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Document Delivery

Only academic staff can benefit from the inter-library borrowing and document delivery service (ILL).

Requests for this service should be submitted to the Library via the following form:

Within the scope of the document delivery service, books and papers that are not available at the Ibn Haldun University Library will be provided by other libraries or vice versa.

Need to know about ILL service:

  • Application Types: Applications only through KİTS and TÜBESS are accepted.
  • Non-Borrowings: Publications other than the main collection cannot be borrowed.
  • Number of Sources and Days: Ibn Haldun University Library lends 5 publications to an institution for 15 days (in Istanbul) or 21 days (outside Istanbul). The number of resources that can be requested from other university libraries varies according to the university’s policy of providing documents.
  • Extension of Time: Borrowings that do not have a reservation request can be extended.
  • Reservation: Reservation can be made for borrowed resources. An e-mail will be sent to the requesting library indicating that the resource has been returned. The library requests using KİTS or TÜBESS and informs the library about the book being reserved.
  • Delay: If there are delayed publications for the requesting library, new requests have to be delayed.
  • Recall: If necessary, the source can be recalled without waiting for the return date. The material must be returned within 72 hours of the recall.
  • Loss and Damage: The requesting library is responsible for the loss of or loss of the material.