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User Rights and Code of Ethics

The IHU Library’s primary mission is to support the instructional, reference, research, and administrative needs of the university’s students, faculty, and staff.

User Rights and Responsibilities

Library facilities, collections, and services are also accessible to others whose information needs require these resources.

The Library is intended for research and study, to support the mission of the university, and to preserve and protect the collections for future users. Members of the university community (faculty, students, staff) have first priority to using library property, resources, and services. Persons not affiliated with the university community (guests, visitors, members of the general public) may enter library facilities to use collections and services. Any other use of library facilities by non-affiliated users is not permitted and may be considered trespassing.

The policies outlined in this document have been established for the safety, security, and comfort of IHU Library patrons.

Borrowing Privileges

IHU students, faculty, and staff members use Library resources inside the Library and may apply to the Circulation Desk for borrowing.

User Rights

  • Courteous assistance from Library staff.
  • Access to Library resources, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age.
  • Library materials that are in good condition.
  • Safe research and study environment.
  • A clean physical environment.

User Responsibilities

  • Interact courteously with other users and Library staff.
  • Keep Library materials clean, unmarked, and intact.
  • Maintain a quiet environment in designated Quiet Study areas.
  • Abide by Library computer use guidelines.
  • Refrain from behavior that hinders study, research, or other Library work.
  • Provide valid identification upon request.

Computer Usage Policy

  • The Library organized a computerized study area for scientific research, learning, teaching, and facilitating the University’s mission objectives.
  • IHU members may use the computers in the e-Library room.
  • Computers can be used for research and educational purposes.

Food and Drink Policy

  • Food and beverages are permitted in the Library (excluding the Deep Silent and e-Library rooms).
  • Please keep the Library clean by properly disposing of waste.
  • Meet delivery people in the main lobby when ordering outside food.

Conduct Rules

  • Individuals who do not adhere to Library policies and guidelines may be asked to leave the Library.
  • No person may intentionally take or conceal Library materials without prior check-out at the Circulation Desk.
  • Cell phones should be placed on silent or vibrate; calls should be taken quietly and moved to the outside.
  • Cell phone use is prohibited in the Deep Silent Room, which is a designated Quiet Study area.


Visitors and groups are welcome at the Library. Please contact the Reference Desk in advance to schedule a tour or group visit: 0212 692 0212 / 1143 - 1144 or library@ihu.edu.tr.

Lost and Found

Unattended items will be collected and held in the Lost and Found at the Circulation Desk.

Library Use and Regulations

  • IHU is a tobacco-free campus. Tobacco use is prohibited on any property owned by Library.
  • The Library has camera equipment. The library’s security camera system will be used only for the protection and safety of library materials, visitors, and employees.
  • For their own safety, children under age 16 must be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • Entrances, exits, stairwells, aisles, and book stacks must remain unblocked.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, or other wheeled devices may not be used in the building, except for equipment that assists physically challenged individuals.
  • Before filming or taking photographs inside the Library, permission must be obtained.
  • Ask for help with resources you cannot find on the shelves.
  • Show the resources you take with you when leaving the Library.
  • The resources at the Library are electronically protected. If the alarm bell rings, the person’s bag can be checked.
  • Users who take resources unauthorized from the Library or impair the resources will be taken to the discipline committee for legal action.
  • Those who leave or graduate are obliged to obtain a document showing that they are not related to the Library anymore.
  • Users who do not return the borrowed item will be suspended if not responding after a warning by e-mail by the Library.
  • Photocopies of the Library resources must be copyrighted and the responsibility belongs to the user.
  • Do not place books on shelves after you use them.
  • You must not speak loudly or make noise in the Library.
  • If the borrowed item is lost or damaged, you may purchase a new one, or you will have to pay the price of the item to the Library. In addition, for the resources that are lost or renewed, the information source registration fee determined every year by the Library will be added to the price of the item.


The Library has adopted regulations to protect the rights of both users and staff, create an appropriate academic atmosphere, and provide a safe, comfortable and convenient environment. All users are expected to contribute to an atmosphere that is conducive to study and to respect the rights and needs of others. The Library will refuse access to its facilities, resources, or services to anyone who acts irresponsibly by disrupting the use of the facilities by others or by being disrespectful to other users or employees. In addition, all persons on university property are required to abide by both university policies and campus regulations and IHU policies.

Persons who are unwilling to abide by these regulations will be asked to leave, and those refusing to do so will be subject to removal by security and may not be allowed further access to the libraries.

Code of Ethics

IHU Library's ethical principles are:

  • The right of access to information, included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international conventions, is defended for all members of society, and its requirements are tried to be fulfilled.
  • Users are treated equally without any discrimination.
  • It performs its duties in a way that adds value to the profession by presenting accurate and sufficient information on time.
  • It guarantees the confidentiality of the research made by the users and the information sources they borrow and benefit from.
  • Within the scope of KVKK, it does not share users' personal information with anyone other than legal requirements.
  • It helps users to develop professional self-awareness in information literacy and lifelong learning.
  • It respects and protects copyrights.
  • It enables users to access information reasonably, quickly, economically, and effectively.
  • Spends an active effort in developing and implementing professional policies and standards.
  • It opposes censorship of ideas and works of art and defends freedom of thought.
  • It does not engage in discourses and behaviors that are not based on objective data, which will damage the reputation of the professional staff, the professional group in general, or an institution/person with unfair defamation.
  • Does not provide benefits while fulfilling professional duties and responsibilities.
  • It pays attention to professional cooperation and solidarity.
  • They are sensitive about professional development, constantly improve themselves in this respect and reflect this on their services.
  • Acts fairly and honestly in professional and managerial relations.

Phone: 0212 692 0212 / 1144