We understand your frustration when you cannot get the book you need for your studies!
To support our users the Library provides the Publication Order service. Users (academics, students, and staff) can suggest publications for purchase in two ways:
Before ordering
Before ordering publications please note the following:
- Check that the Library does not already have the book: Search books.
- If we have the book but it is out on loan please use the Reserve service.
- Please make a reasonable number of orders. This service is open to all members in the University and we would hope that members would not place excessive numbers of orders.
- E-books will be available three to five working days from the date of order approval.
Print Books
- Turkish print books will be available up to 15 calendar days from the date of order approval.
- Print books will be available up to 30-45 calendar days from the date of order approval.
- All resources purchased by this service remain the property of the Library and may be recalled.
- You will be notified via e-mail when the book is available for collection.
Contact us
- If you need to contact us about your order, please email library@ihu.edu.tr giving the full details.
- You can track the status of your ordered publications online from your Library Member Account.
- Please be mindful of the delivery times indicated above.