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IHU Journal System

Access Address: journal.ihu.edu.tr

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is used in the management and publishing processes of journals published by Ibn Haldun University.

Today, the publication of information resources in electronic form is crucial in terms of reaching potential users and providing them with easy access to information sources. To publish journals electronically, one of the software that has international use and allows indexing in open access systems should be preferred. OJS is one of the best software in this area.

OJS is a journal management and publishing system that supports advanced communication options. Developed to mediate the free sharing of information, this system not only publishes journals but also mediates the access of publications to potential users in the electronic environment and supports “open access”.

OJS is a system that can be installed on the desired web server or personal computer, which can be obtained free of charge via the Internet, which enables the establishment of flexible journal management and publishing system. It is a structure that reduces the energy and time to be spent on journal management and enables a better quality editorial process. The software has features that are constantly evolving with the majority publishing more scientific and quality journals that support international metadata standards that contribute to indexing.

OJS includes all aspects of online journal publishing and mediates the management of workflow processes in the virtual environment. The system mediates the management of every process before and after from posting the first draft of a paper manuscript to the presentation for the reader through the created internet server. In short, OJS offers a virtual office environment for journal publishing. In addition, the identified journal administrators are able to pursue their own business. It helps the correspondence and strengthens the communication with the readers.