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Professor Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami’s Books are Donated to Our Library

Professor Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami’s Books are Donated to Our Library

Ibn Haldun University Library enriches its collection day by day. The charitable donations made by the philanthropists also play an important role in this enrichment. The famous hadith scholar of India, Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami’s collection was donated by his family to the Ibn Haldun University Library. This collection, which has more than 5,000 books, is rapidly continuing its classification and listing activities and will be available to researchers in a short while.

The famous hadith scholar, who recently died, Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami has left behind numerous scientific studies. He is commemorated at the International Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami Symposium organized by our University on 19-20 December 2018 and, he is also our esteemed rector Prof. Recep Şentürk’s professor.


Who is Professor Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami?

Al-A’zami was born in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India. Although his exact date of birth is unknown, It is said that he was born in 1928 or 1932.

Al-A’zami took Arabic, Persian, and Quran lessons from his father before starting school.

He completed his primary school, high school, and bachelor’s education in India. He received his master’s degree in 1955 from al-Azhar University and his doctorate in 1966 from the University of Cambridge. Between 1955 and 1964, he worked at the National Library of Qatar. After completing his doctorate, he lectured as an instructor at various universities in Saudi Arabia, England, and the USA.

Mohammed Mustafa al-A’zami, who has many works, is a researcher who rejects the claims of the orientalists who claim that the hadiths do not come in a reliable way. The orientalist studies on the Sunnah and the hadith, which started at the end of the 17th century in the West, brought up the claim that there are doubts about the reliability of the Qur’an and the Sunnah in particular. They made publications questioning whether the hadiths belonged to the Prophet Muhammad. Al-A’zami as a scholar, followed the world of Western science very well and has a great knowledge of the works of orientalists, and made great contributions to Islamic sciences, especially Hadith. He refuted these claims within the framework of scientific methods.


Works Written and Contributed by Muhammed Mustafa Al-A’zami:

Title Author/Contributor Date Place Publisher Language
Studies in early hadit literature: with a critical edition of some early texts Author 1968 Beyrut Al-Maktab al-Islami English
Sahih Ibn Huzaima Contributor 1971 Riyad English
Kuttab al-Nabi salla Allah ‘alayh wa-sallam Author 1974 Riyad Sharikat al-Tiba’ah al-Sa’udiyah Arabic
Kitab al-tamyiz Contributor 1975 Riyad Jami’at al-Riyad Arabic
Dirasat fi al-hadit an-nabawi wa tarih tadwinih Author 1976 Riyad Gami’at Ar-Riyad Arabic
Studies in early Hadith methodology and literature Author 1977 Indianapolis Islamic Teaching Center English
al-‘Ilal Contributor 1980 Beyrut al-Maktab al-Islami Arapça
Magazi Rasul Allah salla Allah ‘Alayhi wa-Sallam li-‘Urwa b. al-Zubayr: bi-riwayat Abi al-Aswad ‘anhu (al-nuska al-mustakraga) Contributor 1981 Riyad Maktab al-Tarbiyya al-‘Arabi li-Duwal al-Kalig Arabic
 مغازي رسول الله: (النسخة المستخرجة) / Maghazi Rasul Allah: (al-nuskhah al-mustakhrajah) Contributor 1981 Riyad al-Mamlakah al-‘Arabiyah al-Sa’udiyah: Maktab al-Tarbiyah al-‘Arabi li-Duwal al-Khalij Arabic
Kitab al-tawhid wa-ithbat sifat al-rabb ‘azza wa-jall Contributor 1983 Beyrut Dar al-Kutub al-Salafiyah Arabic
Sunan Abi ‘Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Yazid al-Qazwini Ibn Majah Contributor 1984 Riyad Sharikat al-Tiba’ah al-‘Arabiyah al-Sa’udiyah Arabic
Hatis marimaiyum kirantankalum Author 1988 Harndan, Varjiniya Islamiya Cintanaikkan Carvateca Niruvanam Arabic
Manhaj al-naqd ‘inda al-muHaddithin: nashʼatuhu wa-tarikhuh Contributor 1990 Riyad Maktabat al-Kawthar Arabic
 منهج النقد عند المحدثين: نشأته وتاريخه / Manhaj al-naqd ‘inda al-muhaddithin: nashʼatuhu wa-tarikhuh Contributor 1990 Riyad Maktabat al-Kawthar Arabic
 دراسات في الحديث النبوي وتاريخ تدوينه / Dirasat fi al-hadith al-nabawi wa-tarikh tadwinih Author 1992 Beyrut Manshurat al-Maktab al-Islami Arabic
İlk devir hadis edebiyâtı ve peygamberimizʼin hadisleriʼnin tedvin târihi (H. 1-150 – M. 622-657) Contributor 1993 İstanbul İz Yayıncılık Turkish
Hadis nabawi dan sejarah kodifikasinya Contributor 1994 Jakarta PT Pustaka Firdaus English
El paso hacia el paraíso: dichos de Muhammad el Enviado de Dios Contributor 1995 Beltsville (Maryland): Amana Publications Spanish
İslam fıkhı ve sünnet Oryantalist J. Schacht’a eleştiri 1996 İstanbul İz Yayıncılık Turkish
Hadith and sunnah: Ideals and realities Contributor 2000 Kuala Lumpur Islamic Book Trust English
The Qur’anic text, from revelation to compilation A comparative study with the Old and New Testaments Author 2003 Leicester Islamic Academy English
Sejarah teks al-Quran dari wahyu sampai kompilasi: kajian perbandingan dengan perjanjian lama dan perjanjian baru = The history of the Qur’anic text from revelation to compilation: a comparative study with the old and new testaments Author 2005 Jakarta Gema Insani Indonesian
 أصول الفقه الاسلامي للمستشرق شاخت: دراسة نقدية / Usul al-fiqh al-Islami lil-mustashriq Shakht: dirasah naqdiyah Contributor 2005 King Saud University Arabic
The History of the Qur’anic Text From Revelation to Compilation A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments – by Muhammad Mustafa Al-A’zami Author 2007 London Oxford English
Hadis metodolojisi ve edebiyatı Contributor 2010 İstanbul İz Yayıncılık Turkish
The History of the Qur’anic text: from revelation to compilation 2011 Al-Qalam Pub English
Kitab Al-Jami’ As-sahih Al-Mukhtasar Al-Musnad min Umur Rasulillah (SAAW) wa Sunanihi wa Ayyamihi (more commonly known as sahih of Bukhari) Contributor 2013 Riyad Azamai Publishing House Arabic
On Schacht’s origins of Muhammadan jurisprudence 2013 Oxford Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies: Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society English
The scribes of the Prophet Contributor 2016 London Turath Publishing English
 النص القراني الخالد عبر العصور: دراسة مقارنة مصورة لسورة اسراء بين تسعة عشر مصحفا من القرن الأول الى الخامس عشر / al-Nass al-Qurʼani al-khalid ‘abra al-‘usur: dirasah muqaranah musawwarah li-surat Israʼ bayna tis’at ‘ashar mushafan min al-qarn al-awwal ila al-khamis ‘ashar Author 2017 Riyad al- Dar al-A’ẓami lil-Nashr Arabic