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Rosetta Stone: IHU Library Supports Language Learning

Rosetta Stone: IHU Library Supports Language Learning
Rosetta Stone is computer-aided language-learning software. Rosetta Stone is a language learning platform offering basic speaking, writing, reading, and understanding skills in 30 languages. This software supports grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

With Rosetta Stone, you can confidently apply your acquired language skills and expand your vocabulary. It helps you easily use the words you have learned; because Rosetta Stone is focused on speech and pronunciation. From the first lesson, TruAccent technology will support your pronunciation and intonation. This way, you will find the natural rhythm of sentences and know what you are saying when you speak and how you are saying it.

The best way to learn a language is to surround yourself with it constantly. The Dynamic Immersion method in Rosetta Stone does just that. It is impossible to remember long word lists in language learning. Instead, with Rosetta Stone, you learn by seeing, hearing, speaking, reading, and writing the language you are trying to learn. In this way, you will be prepared for daily conversations in the best way and not have any trouble talking.

Rosetta Stone's primary purpose is to give you more confidence in a new foreign language. Therefore, it goes beyond completing formal lessons and allows you to learn the language at its best.

You only need your IHU e-mail username and password to access Rosetta Stone. To access the platform, it is sufficient to go to the "Subscribed Databases" page on the IHU Library website. You can access the platform access link and supporting documents under the Rosetta Stone title.

Supporting documents for Rosetta Stone:
