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APA PsycArticles and APA PsycTherapy Database Usage Seminar

APA PsycArticles and APA PsycTherapy Database Usage Seminar
  • Event Location
    Library Seminar Room
  • Activity Start
    2024-10-09 16:00
  • Activity End
    2024-10-09 17:00
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

Our university library invites all academic staff and students to a seminar on effectively utilizing the APA PsycArticles and APA PsycTherapy databases, which we subscribe to through EBSCO.

In this seminar, attendees will learn about accessing reliable resources in psychology and behavioral sciences, navigating database interfaces, and using features that support the research process.

We encourage all those interested in enhancing their academic work in psychology and behavioral sciences to join us and learn to use these valuable databases.

Seminar Details

Date: Wednesday, October 9
Time: 16:00-17:00 PM
Location: Library Seminar Room
Speaker: Uğurcan Özkan
