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Code of Ethics

IHU Library provides services within the framework of ethical principles.

IHU Library's ethical principles are:

  • The right of access to information, included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international conventions, is defended for all members of society, and its requirements are tried to be fulfilled.
  • Users are treated equally without any discrimination.
  • It performs its duties in a way that adds value to the profession by presenting accurate and sufficient information on time.
  • It guarantees the confidentiality of the research made by the users and the information sources they borrow and benefit from.
  • Within the scope of KVKK, it does not share users' personal information with anyone other than legal requirements.
  • It helps users to develop professional self-awareness in information literacy and lifelong learning.
  • It respects and protects copyrights.
  • It enables users to access information reasonably, quickly, economically, and effectively.
  • Spends an active effort in developing and implementing professional policies and standards.
  • It opposes censorship of ideas and works of art and defends freedom of thought.
  • It does not engage in discourses and behaviors that are not based on objective data, which will damage the reputation of the professional staff, the professional group in general, or an institution/person with unfair defamation.
  • Does not provide benefits while fulfilling professional duties and responsibilities.
  • It pays attention to professional cooperation and solidarity.
  • They are sensitive about professional development, constantly improve themselves in this respect and reflect this on their services.
  • Acts fairly and honestly in professional and managerial relations.

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