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About | The Library

Ibn Haldun University Library combines past and future, supporting study, teaching, and research programs. Library; academic staff, students, administrative staff, and local people, as well as provide information services in Türkiye and to researchers all over the Professional librarians provide Library services such as assistance, access to information, book lending, using the internet, use of audio-visual information resources, use of electronic databases, and user training. Researchers can reach resources 24/7ou can use all electronic services using Ibn Haldun University’s e-mail address and password.

The library provides all kinds of printed, electronic, and audiovisual information sources in line with the needs of its users. Printed resources offer an open-shelf system. Electronic resources can be used in the library's e-library hall, remote access, and the users’ own computers.

Librarians combine library services with the possibilities of up-to-date information technology, create a rich information environment, facilitate access to information, and ensure that students, academic staff, and researchers benefit from interactive library services at the highest level. On the other hand, librarians have a wealth of knowledge to find the resources that researchers need.

The library’s exclusive and rich collections, inspiring workspaces, and innovative services help users achieve their academic goals.
In addition to the existing library services, the library creates awareness with the projects of the Ibn Haldun University Institutional Repository, Conference System, Reservation System, Academic Profile Creation, and Reference Management System.

Library website: https://library.ihu.edu.tr


Vision & Mission
Ibn Haldun University (IHU) Library strives to nurture the academic and research aspirations of IHU patrons and to support the community’s educational and professional needs.

IHU Library provides high-quality information services to members of the IHU Community, its local and international researchers, and all of Turkish society. IHU Library has extensive book collections in print and digital formats. It subscribes to scholarly databases in all areas taught at IHU and provides general research techniques and information literacy training.

Working & Service Hours
Working Hours

Book Cafe: 24/7

Weekdays: 08.00 – 23.00

Weekend: 10.00 – 17.00

Service Hours

24/7 hours on weekdays

IHI Library operating hours are announced in advance of the midyear break, the spring break, and the summer holidays. The Library is closed on all official Turkish state holidays.

Warning: Everyone can use the library. Guest users can benefit from our resources within the framework of user rights.

How to Benefit from Library
IHU users are natural members of the Library. IHU e-mail and password are enough for all services provided in electronic media. For the rules and the rights of users of the Library, please visit https://library.ihu.edu.tr. 

Reference Services
IHU dedicated librarians are available to answer library or research queries such as searching for resources, navigating the library online catalog and discovery services, accessing digital resources, using off-campus services, and other inquiries.

Research Assistance 
Do you need help finding academic sources for an assignment and do not know where to start looking? The Reference team provides in-person and virtual assistance for students, faculty, and staff to find the resources needed for their research projects or assignments. Users may visit the Reference unit at the Library and meet with one of the library information professionals.

Ask a Librarian
Ask a Librarian is an online reference service that enables users to submit information and reference questions via a web form through the library website.

Research Guide
IHU Library Research Guide is created and continually updated by our librarians, and they highlight some of the most important books, periodicals, and databases available at the Library on various subjects and topics. They are a great starting point for research. Users can access the library guide by visiting https://library.ihu.edu.tr/.

Off-Campus Access
Accessing Library e-resources off-campus got easy with Off-Campus Service!

Current IHU students, faculty, and staff are now able to access the Library’s catalog and subscription databases 24/7. We are now providing remote access to online resources through https://offcampus.ihu.edu.tr. On-campus users will not see any changes to access. Links from the Library’s website will require Off-Campus users to log in with an IHU username and password.

If you need help with off-campus access assistance, contact the Library Helpdesk at 0212 692 0212 / 1143 – 1144 or send your questions to library@ihu.edu.tr

Information Literacy
The Library is committed to helping users develop their research skills, and to that end, the Information Literacy service continually provides library instruction sessions and training workshops that help users gain the skills they need to navigate complex information landscapes. Our activities help equip students with the necessary skills to locate authoritative information for their assignments and projects. The Information Literacy activities also provide e-sources, research methods, information literacy, editorship, corporate archive reading, article writing techniques, bibliography writing techniques, and reference management systems workshops geared towards faculty needs.

Study Spaces
There are different study spaces available in the Library. As part of its mission to enhance student learning and provide comfortable spaces for study, the library has designated quiet areas throughout the library, as well as individual study rooms.

Students or faculty may book individual or group study rooms through https://reservation.ihu.edu.tr/. Alternatively, users may also directly visit the Circulation desk and obtain the keys (if the room is available) upon presenting their IHU card.

Workspaces and their features:

General Reading Room
All users can freely benefit from this area. There are lamps and sockets on each desk.

24/7 Reading Room
This area is ergonomically designed. You can unlimitedly study here, even at festivals and on official holidays.

Deep Silent Study Room
This area is designed for individual study. It is open to everyone's use. The tables are separated and with sockets on each desk.

Individual Study Room
There are four individual study rooms, each with a desk, a chair, and an electrical socket on the tables. Rooms can be used only during the booked period.

Group Study Room
There are 5 group study rooms (1 for 8, 3 for 10, 2 for 12 people). They are designed for group study. Rooms can be used only during the booked period.

Seminar Room
The seminar room is for 48 people. Academic and administrative staff can use it for training and meeting purposes. There’s a projector in the room. Rooms can be used only during the booked period.

e-Library Room
There are 10 multimedia-supported computers in the e-library room. You can search library resources, watch movies, listen to music, and freely work on your research projects in e-Library. Also, academic staff may use the e-Library Room by reserving for educational activities with computers.

Resting Area
You can rest in comfortable chairs, read books, newspapers, and magazines, and listen to music.

Library Catalog
The library catalog was designed to meet the researcher with the sources in the university. The library catalog contains detailed records of the books, periodicals, manuscripts, etc., located in the library. IHU students, academicians, staff, and researchers can search through the library catalog.

Books in Library are cataloged according to Anglo-American Cataloging Rules and to the first-level characterization. Library of Congress Classification System is used for the classification of the sources.

The library catalog includes different services such as loans, returns, reservations, book suggestion forms, ILL forms, ask a Librarian, etc. Thus it enables researchers to access the library for their research from any part of the world.

The library catalog is available at https://catalog.ihu.edu.tr/.

Discovery Services
A discovery service is an online tool based on a central index that enables libraries to search seamlessly across a wide range of content.

Discovery Services in the IHU Libraries manages the public-facing interfaces that connect users with online library content. All researchers are now able to access the library’s catalog and subscription databases 24/7 with Discovery Services.

Search in an interface with the discovery tool;

  • Database/platform interfaces (EBSCO, ProQuest, Springer, Science Direct, etc.),
  • A-Z databases list,
  • A-Z journals list,
  • Off-campus access

We troubleshoot any access problems that arise. If you have any problems accessing online materials (articles, journals, e-books, etc.) or have questions, feel free to contact us.

Borrowing and Privileges
IHU Library allows its users (including faculty, students, staff, and external users) to access and borrow library materials in accordance with the library’s official Circulation Policy. Users may borrow books; however, periodicals, theses, and books designated as part of Special Collections may only be used within library premises.

Books and other library resources can be borrowed for different periods depending on the type of users. IHU Library has various types of users. The number of sources and the duration of borrowing for each type of user is given below:

 User Category  Number of Books  Loan Period  Number of Renewals
 Undergraduate Students  5 pieces  15 days   9 times
 Graduate Students  7 pieces  15 days  9 times
 Ph.D. Student  10 pieces  30 days  9 times
 Academic Staff  15 pieces  30 days  9 times
 Administrative Staff  5 pieces  15 days  9 times
 ILL* (Istanbul)  10 pieces  15 days  1 time
 ILL* (Outside Istanbul)  10 pieces  21 days  1 time

* Interlibrary Loan


  • Members of IHU can borrow books and similar resources and audio-visual resources or use them in the Library. If the books are not requested by another user, their loan period may be extended.
  • The resources in the reservation collection are indicated in the electronic catalog by “Reserved”. “Reserved” resources can be borrowed for 3 hours. The last issue of newspapers and journals and their reference sources cannot be borrowed.
  • The user is obliged to show the university identity card during the borrowing procedure.
  • The borrowed information source should be returned on the day.
  • Users may renew items through the library website or by visiting the Circulation Desk.
  • There is no extension by phone.

Library Collections
IHU Library provides access to a wealth of academic and reference works in Turkish, English, and Arabic. These collections include different types of books, primary sources, and reference works. These include encyclopedias, biographies, directories, dictionaries, atlases, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, scholarly and research periodicals, and daily newspapers. The library provides access to over 60 specialized electronic databases.

General Collection
The general collection includes books, electronic resources, and many other materials. Generally, we do not purchase textbooks more than. We select resources that best support the research and teaching needs of all IHU students, faculty, and researchers.

Reference Collection
The collection consists of general and specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, and biographical sources. Items do not circulate.
Periodicals Collection
The Periodicals section houses a collection of scientific, scholarly, educational, and cultural journals covering a variety of disciplines in both Turkish and English.

e-Resources Collection
The Library subscribes to many specialized electronic databases, which include access to more than 550 million e-resources (books, journals, articles, videos, etc.) covering different disciplines such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, economics, business, humanities, and other sciences. The databases also extensively cover science and technology.

Theses Collection
The Theses Collection includes print dissertations and theses published by Ibn Haldun University in Turkish and other languages. These include master's and doctoral theses and dissertations.

Ibn Haldun Collection
This collection consists of works mainly in Turkish, English, and Arabic, written by Ibn Khaldun and published by Ibn Khaldun.

Rare Books Collection
The rare Book Collection consists of first and limited editions. Users can benefit from these works with the help of librarians.

IHU Academician Collection
This collection contains books belonging to IHU academics.

Course Materials Guides
The course resources collection is the collection of the main and auxiliary resources in the course syllabus of the lecturers and instructors. Printed and electronic resources (textbooks, articles, book chapters, etc.) that are required to be read in the courses are matched with the course code and made available here. Printed resources in this collection are kept in a separate section and are made available with different borrowing periods. Electronic resources are made available according to copyright.

Course Materials can be borrowed for 3 hours. That limited check-out time ensures all students can access course materials and items. Materials kept in the Course Materials collection can be searched under the name of the academic or course code in the Library Catalog. The materials specified by lecturers for the course reading lists, such as e-books, articles, and book chapters, can be accessed (per copyright laws) on 7/24 electronically. IHU e-Mail User name and password are required to use this collection from off-campus.

The Course Materials Collection is located at the Circulation Desk. 

This collection contains simplified storybooks in Turkish, English, and Arabic.

Multimedia Collection
The Multimedia Collection includes DVDs, CDs, documentary films, foreign language teaching materials, and historical films. All these materials can be viewed in designated rooms.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
IHU Library is committed to providing the widest possible access to information resources our users need that are unavailable at IHU Library. Interlibrary Loan allows library users to borrow materials from none-IHU libraries and lends materials to none-IHU libraries in Türkiye. The ILL service is for registered IHU faculty members. ILL Service provides users with materials (articles, books, chapters, proceedings, and reports) needed for research or study and not held at IHU Libraries. Items are obtained through various suppliers. Users may fill out an ILL request via the Library website.

Institutional Repository
It is a digital collection of scholarly output and academic activities at IHU, openly accessible via the Library’s website. It includes faculty publications, research materials, instructional materials, images, audio and video files, book chapters, reports, theses and dissertations, and conference proceedings.

IHU Institutional Repository all academic resources produced by IHU and provides Open Access in accordance with copyright.

Access Address: http://openaccess.ihu.edu.tr/

Suggest a Purchase
IHU Library encourages faculty, staff, and students to suggest resources in line with their research needs for the Library to purchase and add to our growing collection. Users may fill a Suggest a Purchase request through the library website.

The Library expects all kinds of recommendations. You can submit your comments and suggestions to library@ihu.edu.tr or drop them in the suggestion box at the entrance of the Library.

IHU Library participates in various internal and external cultural activities. It also organizes training courses and workshops specialized in library science and other topics to support faculty members in research and academic publishing.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can I get books in the library?
Getting the books directly with the “Open Shelf” and “LC Classification” systems used in our library is possible. You need to check with the library catalog whether the publications you are looking for are in the library. You can get the publications after you have found the number from the library catalog. You can ask for help with books you can not find.

How can I benefit from periodic publications?
Periodicals are arranged in alphabetic order on shelves. You can search through the Periodical Publications link to find out whether the periodicals you are looking for are in the library and the available issue. You can access any kind of information about the periodicals and the issues in the library using the discovery services.

What can I borrow from the library?
You can borrow all information sources except encyclopedias, manuals, atlas, periodicals, non-printed theses, and rare books.

How can I manage the borrowed publications?
You can view and extend the period after logging in to the system using the “My Library” link.

The book I’m looking for is borrowed, what should I do?
You can make a reservation if the book you are looking for is borrowed. You need to log in to the system using the “My Library” link. After you have logged in, click on the “Reserve” link given the detailed information of the source you want to reserve in the search result. When the book is returned, you will receive an email, and the reserved resource will be held for 2 days in the library's lending section.

Can I cancel a reserved book?
Yes. You can cancel the book you have reserved. For this, click on the red icon to the left of the source under the heading “Reserved” by logging into the system via the “My Library” link.

Can I have a photocopy?
Yes. You can make photocopies of copyrighted materials from library sources.

What can I do if I lose a publication I borrowed from the library?
If you cannot find the publication you borrowed, please notify the library without losing time. In this case, you are obliged to buy the new edition of the publication or to pay the price determined by the library.

Can I offer a suggestion for a publication in the library?
Universities and departments may contribute to the development of the collection by asking them to provide the publications they want to be in the library. After signing in through the ” My Library” for ordering, you can fill out the “Book Request” form and request the purchase.

Library Rules
Rules to be followed by users while using Library services are listed below:

  • Ask for help with resources you cannot find on the shelves.
  • When you leave the library, borrow the resources you want to borrow from the librarians.
  • When you are leaving the Library, your bag can be checked by the employee on demand.
  • The resources at the Library are electronically protected. If the alarm bell rings, the person’s bag can be checked.
  • Users who take resources unauthorized from the Library or impair the resources will be taken to the discipline committee for legal action.
  • Those who leave or graduate must obtain a document showing that they are no longer related to the Library.
  • Users who do not return the borrowed item will be suspended if not responding after a warning by e-mail from the Library.
  • Photocopies of the Library resources must be copyrighted, and the user is responsible.
  • Do not place books on shelves after you use them.
  • Do not make phone calls in the Library; keep your phone mute.
  • Water can only be brought to the Library in a bottle.
  • You may only consume food and other drinks outdoors or at a place shown to you.
  • It is prohibited to smoke cigarettes and e-cigarettes at the Library.
  • You must not speak loudly or make noise in the Library.
  • If the borrowed item is lost or damaged, you may purchase a new one, or you will have to pay the price of the item to the Library.
  • In addition, for the resources that are lost or renewed, the information source registration fee determined annually by the Library will be added to the item's price.


Circulation Services
0212 692 0212 / 1143 - 1144

Acquisitions & Collection Development
0212 692 0212 / 1141

0212 692 0212 / 1246