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Gale Research Database User Training Seminar

Gale Research Database User Training Seminar
Our library hosted the Gale Research Database User Training Seminar on February 8, 2024.

Our library has organized a Gale Research Database User Training Seminar. Information sessions have been conducted to provide access to millions of articles, book chapters, archival documents, and news sources within the scope of user training.

In Gale Research Complete Premium, numerous archive collections are available together, including Eighteenth Century Collections Online, National Geographic Virtual Library, British Library Newspapers, The Times, The Economist Historical Archive, Financial Times, and Early Arabic Printed Book (in Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish), among others. From the Primary Sources section, you can browse all archive collections except for Early Arabic Printed Book and National Geographic Virtual Library through a single interface.

Access Link: https://login.offcampus.ihu.edu.tr/login?url=https://link.gale.com/apps/menu?u=ibnh
