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The Second Issue of the 9th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published

The Second Issue of the 9th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published
Volume 9, Issue 2 (2024) of the Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies has been published. The issues of the journal can be reached by clicking on the web address: https://journal.ihu.edu.tr/index.php/ihu1

The 9th volume, the 2nd issue of the Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies, published twice a year, has been published. The new issue of the journal included five articles and one book review:

Effects of Social Media on Children and Adolescents: A Literature Review
Ebrar Kevser Katırcı, Sefa bulut

Technological advances and the rise of social media have radically changed communication. While social media promotes a sense of community, it can lead to various problems among children and adolescents. This literature review evaluates the positive and negative effects of the internet and social media on young people, examining which platforms are preferred and their usage rates.

Investigation of Romantic Relationships of Individuals With Bipolar Disorder: A Phenomenological Study
Kübra Nur Aslan, Işıl Bilican

The study examined the romantic relationships of individuals with bipolar disorder using a phenomenological approach and qualitative interviews. The data were analyzed thematically, and five main themes were identified: Interruption in emotional intimacy, the positive impact of regular medication and psychotherapy, guilt, the positive impact of a responsive partner, and coping with emotional fluctuations. The results show that emotional dysregulation and anxiety negatively affect the relationship, while regular treatment and responsive partner support the relationship.

The Perception of Fraud and Perspective on Ethics of the Media Employees in Emerging Countries in the Digital Era: Evidence from Türkiye

Tamer Aksoy, Ali Tümay Denkdemir

This study examined the relationship between the perception of cheating and the ethical views of employees in Turkey's leading media company and their demographic characteristics. Survey data were collected from 202 employees and analyzed with SPSS-22. While the study found no significant difference between demographic factors such as age, education, experience and position and perceptions of cheating and ethical views, significant differences were found between male and female employees' perspectives on these issues.

Perfection of the Scholl Climate Among Teachers at Ahmedi Hani Anatolian High School
Mehmet Zahit Demir, Özgür Deniz, Ümmühan Seçil İnan Demir

This study examined the relationship between the perceptions of cheating and the ethical views of 202 employees in a leading media company in Turkey and their demographic characteristics. The analysis revealed that demographic factors had no significant effect on these views, but there were significant differences between male and female employees.

The Construction of Collective and Resilient Hope in the Life and Poem’s of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
Nesibe Demir

This article examines Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, the pioneer of the Great East thought and an important Islamic figure. The study analyzes Kısakürek's intellectual and emotional changes, his understanding of Islam and the theme of hope in his poetry. The analysis, especially through his biography “He and I” and the poems “Çile,” emphasizes the impact of the hope that Kısakürek created after meeting Abdülhakim Arvasi on Islamic movements.

Book Review / Kitap Tanıtımı: İki Dünya Arasında: İstanbul’da Dindar Üniversite Gençliği
Nesibe Demir

In this study, Özlem Avcı's book Between Two Worlds: Religious University Youth in Istanbul is analyzed.

To get detailed information about the journal's content, visit the https://journal.ihu.edu.tr