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IHU Library Discovery Tool: Access to Library Resources from a Single Search Box

IHU Library Discovery Tool: Access to Library Resources from a Single Search Box
The IHU Library Discovery Tool provides a simple, single access point where the user can easily find other resources they need, such as the library's subscribed article and book databases, the library catalog, the institutional repository, and open access databases.


Users need help in the research process and want to have easy access to the right information, whatever the topic. However, most users think that they can easily find this information on the open Internet. It is often thought that there are only books in the library. Little do they realise that libraries offer not only books, but also e-books, articles, reports, music, databases, video and digital content of all kinds, as well as a wide range of information. 

Without the right tools to guide users, potential researchers may find navigating the library overwhelming and time-consuming. What they need is a discovery tool to help them find and access books, journals, databases, e-books and all the other resources the library has to offer.

The discovery tool is like a kind of supermarket. A supermarket is, of course, a convenient place that fulfills all your food and shopping needs. So you don't need to go to separate supermarkets to get the products you need. Similarly, the library discovery tool makes all the resources that the library subscribes to and purchases for researchers accessible through a single search box. IHU Library Discovery Tool is designed to meet all the research needs of the user. It offers researchers access to all kinds of documents such as millions of books, articles and reports by presenting all subscribed and purchased reliable library resources to researchers through a search box.

IHU Library's Discovery Tool facilitates the search process and provides users with better and more accurate search results, which encourages them to use the library's resources more. In addition, the more users use the discovery service, the more accurate resources they access. 

For example, when users type what they are looking for in the IHU Library Discovery Tool search box, the discovery tool uses artificial intelligence to predict what the typed term is and provides options in a pop-up box. Thus, it saves them time and helps the user to use the correct search term. It helps the user with the "Did you mean this?" function against spelling mistakes made by the user.

IHU Library Discovery Tool scores the search results according to the intensity of the search term's occurrence in the documents and brings the relevant ones to the top to help the user with accurate resources. It helps the user research by allowing the user to save the resources they are interested in in a panel. The dashboard is like an online shopping basket, but with even more features. 

The discovery tool offers different options for researchers creating accounts. For example, a researcher who creates an account can use the system as a personal library, store the selected resources in different folders, and receive periodic notifications from the subjects or journals they are interested in.