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The Issue for Spirituality of the 7th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published

The Issue for Spirituality of the 7th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published
The 7th Volume, Special Issue for Spirituality (2022) of the Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies has been published. The issues of the journal can be reached by clicking on the web address: https://journal.ihu.edu.tr/

The new issue includes the following articles:

"The Relationship Between Mental Health and Religiosity" - Mustafa Atak, Aslıhan Ataman

"Spiritual Counseling Education in Schools" - Sümeyra Arıcan, Handan Yalvaç Arıcı

"Spiritual Counseling and Guidance as a Model for Religious Renewal" - Hasan Kaplan

"The Sufi Dimension of Spiritual Guidance: The Example of Ahmed Yesevi" - Mehmet Şirin Ayiş

"Symposium Evaluation: 7th International Symposium on Spiritual Counselling and Guidance, 14-15 May 2022" - Zehra Atak