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The Second Issue of the 8th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published

The Second Issue of the 8th Volume of Ibn Haldun Studies Journal Published
Volume 8, Issue 2 (2023) of the Journal of Ibn Haldun Studies has been published. The issues of the journal can be reached by clicking on the web address: https://journal.ihu.edu.tr/

The new issue includes the following articles:

“Ibn Khaldun's Contribution to the Study of the Social Dynamics of International Relations” - Mohammad Javid Fedayee

“The Role of Presumption in Affirmation of Punishment for Inebriety” - Jibril Swalleh Mawejje

“A Simple Approach to Overcoming Euro-Specific Feudalism” - Ibrahim Mulushewa Eshete

“İlkokul ve Ortaokul Öğrencilerinde Dijital Oyun Bağımlılığı ve Yalnızlık” - Ekrem Erden, Sefa Bulut

“Kavramsal ve Kuramsal Olarak İş Doyumu” - Mehmet Faruk Ladikli, Hüseyin Arslan

“Discourses on Salt and Iron: A Study on the State Monopoly in China” - Mevlan Tanrıkut

"Hegel, Özne ve Ötesi" - Muhammet İkbal Bakır